Remember is one of the most successful educational sites on the Internet reaching many people each year from every corner of the planet.

As you can see, is about hope. A hope for a better future. A hope to end the hatred and begin growing through knowledge.

We need your help to help them more. Our goal is to keep growing, to provide more oral histories, more photos, and hire several student interns to keep this site thriving. reaches millions of teachers, students, and people worldwide each year. This site is part of the curriculum of many institutions, accessed by grade schools, high schools, undergraduate, and graduate programs. It has always been free to everyone.

This site is dedicated to the memories of the survivors, and to the hope of prevention of all genocide by remembering life and survival.

One of the special projects created with donations is the Virtual Tour of Auschwitz, done with and at the Auschwitz Museum, a unique project utilizing 360º, moving photos of the main camp at Auschwitz.

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