In case you are just now emerging from your man-cave, your woman-cave or perhaps some basement (having been playing video games for the past couple years), here is a short note from one of my father’s (RIP) colleagues — you might want to pay attention to:
I’ve been trying to estimate the value of the resources consumed in producing fundamentally worthless tokens, and it’s probably in the tens of billions of dollars, not counting the environmental damage.
I recall discussing this with my father … how this business was essentially built on a lot of hot air. It has only been in the last decade or so that I have truly come to realize how much of the global economy runs on hot air.
In case you want to know even more, you might want to save a date sometime in early june — for what? Oh, it’s too soon to tell … but if my plans come to fruition, I will gladly fill you in on all of the details! 😀
For more updates about rational media, see also the “rational media” tag @ “Social Business“. 😉
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