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Tag Archives: meaning
I understand that this is very important to you
One of the texts on my “summer reading” list was “The Plague” (by Albert Camus). I had never read anything of Camus’ before, and I was stunned by his immense ability to explicate intricate details of human thought and behavior, … Continue reading
Posted in remediary
Tagged Alberrt Camus, goal, goals, importance, important, information, language, life, meaning, natural language, profession, professional, purpose, work
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Patronizing Patrons Outside Your Own Community vs. Being a Patron Inside Your Own Community
One of my good friends (the kind that actually try to push back on the kinds of things I often say) has been hammering away for some time at my attitude – sort of calling it patronizing. I beg to … Continue reading
Posted in remediary
Tagged ad, ads, advertisement, advertisements, advertising, advertising industry, attitude, audience, closed, communication, communications, communities, community, express, expressed, expression, expressions, free speech, group, groups, illiteracy, illiterate, in-group, language, languages, linguistic communities, linguistic community, literacy, literate, mean, meaning, means, mutual, negotiation, negotiation of meaning, open, out-group, participate, participating, participation, patron, patronage, patronise, patronize, patrons, propaganda, rational media, read, reader, readers, reading, relationship, relationships, retard media, target, target audience, targets, understanding, write, writer, writers, writing
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Some Reflections on the Revolution in Propaganda
More or less exactly ten generations after Edmund Burke’s treatise concerning the French Revolution and roughly about twenty generations after the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press, I would like to give you a small update on the state of news, … Continue reading
Posted in remediary
Tagged analysis, authority, bias, biology, brand, brand name, brand names, branding, brands, communication, communications, data, distrust, distrustworthy, document, documentation, documents, enterprise, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurs, evolution, fake, gatekeeper, homo sapiens, human, humanity, humans, information, information and communications technology, internet, language, meaning, online, open, ordinary language, plain language, plain talk, private, propaganda, public, publication, publish, publisher, publishers, publishing, rational, rationality, real, reason, religion, revolution, transparency, transparent, trust, trustworthiness, trustworthy, vernacular, writing, written
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What are you going to do about it?
I have a friend who works in the field of healthcare, and we were talking about corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industries – the kind that leads to patients getting misdiagnosed and mistreated. I had shared something I had … Continue reading
Posted in remediary
Tagged ad, ads, advertise, advertisement, advertising, alternative currencies, alternative currency, anonymity, anonymous, authentic, authenticity, bond, brand, brand name, brand names, branding, brands, care, careless, cash, construct, construction, constructs, engage, engagement, failure, identity, meaning, meaningful, meaningless, money, power, rational media, relationship, relationships, retard media, social, social construct, social construction, social constructs, social engagement, social system, social systems, society, success, successful, system, systems, trace
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